Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Super Liam

Its my blog and I can do what I want with it. Even if its making myself a generic superhero. HEY! When you have your own blog...you can do whatever YOU want!

"Hmmm...I should do something for the blog soon." I thought to myself. "I wanna fly and have an arch-nemesis!" I pondered.

So here is the latest of the series of nonsense that drools randomly from the thrown together mess of noodles and stroganoff I call 'my brain'. First, I just sketched out myself with flying powers...oooo...ahhhh. Then, I needed a nemesis. So I used Tuck my cat, as "Dr. Kitteh Mew Mew". When I drew this, I imagine he is more angry that he has a helmet than anything else. And finally, me rescuing my wife and ace reporter, Misha, from the sharpened claws of Dr. Kitteh Mew Mew!

1 comment:

  1. Well done. You're right about the helmet. But what the heck am I wearing?!
