Thursday, June 17, 2010


Working on some images for Emerald City Comic Con 2012. I thought this robot blueprint would make a good series to sell prints. I was thinking of a whole series of service/manual labor robots. Still working the kinks out.

"Drill-Bot" June 2010 Flash CS4

Friday, June 4, 2010

3D final preview

Here's a quick preview of my 3D class final. The model isn't perfect, but that is secondary to the animation. This is still a work in progress. The idea is a lizard-like creature is trying to catch a fly (not yet in the scene) and has some trouble doing so.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Spare some change?

2 weeks ago, I was pushing an all nighter, my wife contracted an awful stomach flu, so I was up the night after trying to help her feel better, and because of work and 3D classes, I was sportin' a rockin' beard. The morning of my wife's illness she was meant to volunteer at a local school, but she couldn't cancel because she didn't have anyone's cell phone number...I offered to run out there and talk to her co-worker there. I hadn't slept more than an hour or two in 2 days and I was fully bearded. When I get there, Misha's co-worker, Teresa, recognized me (thankfully) but the principal of the school apparently believed I was a homeless man about to attack her...or a brown bear up on his hind legs and wearing jeans. So he ran out and pulled Teresa away before I could fully explain Misha's condition. This is a depiction of my state, and I don't really blame that principal too much. If I saw a guy like that hanging outside my school, I'd be concerned. But its damn embarrassing to be mistaken for a hobo abductor.
Additionally, I fell violently ill along with Misha. I couldn't eat for three days and all I did was expel from both ends of my body (TMI...sometimes at the same time). I vomited so violently, that my stomach muscles ached for days, it hurt to laugh and sneeze. Most awful first night of illness...the rest of the time, my head was swimming and I couldn't sit up without getting dizzy.