"Hmmm...I should do something for the blog soon." I thought to myself. "I wanna fly and have an arch-nemesis!" I pondered.
So here is the latest of the series of nonsense that drools randomly from the thrown together mess of noodles and stroganoff I call 'my brain'. First, I just sketched out myself with flying powers...oooo...ahhhh. Then, I needed a nemesis. So I used Tuck my cat, as "Dr. Kitteh Mew Mew". When I drew this, I imagine he is more angry that he has a helmet than anything else. And finally, me rescuing my wife and ace reporter, Misha, from the sharpened claws of Dr. Kitteh Mew Mew!

Well done. You're right about the helmet. But what the heck am I wearing?!