Saturday, November 6, 2010
Halo: Reach
Just taking another hour or so break from work to play with Corel Painter 11 again.
A quick Halo: Reach painting using the Oil brush, pencil, and airbrush tools. I can't wait for my time-off...I'm gonna play so many video games to make up for all of this work.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fun with New Toys
"Lady Smoke" Painter 11 - 2010
Sorry this has been my only post in a REALLY long time...but we just had our first born child, Brendan James Robinson, 8 weeks ago and I've been rather busy juggling work and fatherhood. So finding time to do my own artwork is rather difficult these days.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
3D final preview
Here's a quick preview of my 3D class final. The model isn't perfect, but that is secondary to the animation. This is still a work in progress. The idea is a lizard-like creature is trying to catch a fly (not yet in the scene) and has some trouble doing so.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Spare some change?
2 weeks ago, I was pushing an all nighter, my wife contracted an awful stomach flu, so I was up the night after trying to help her feel better, and because of work and 3D classes, I was sportin' a rockin' beard. The morning of my wife's illness she was meant to volunteer at a local school, but she couldn't cancel because she didn't have anyone's cell phone number...I offered to run out there and talk to her co-worker there. I hadn't slept more than an hour or two in 2 days and I was fully bearded. When I get there, Misha's co-worker, Teresa, recognized me (thankfully) but the principal of the school apparently believed I was a homeless man about to attack her...or a brown bear up on his hind legs and wearing jeans. So he ran out and pulled Teresa away before I could fully explain Misha's condition. This is a depiction of my state, and I don't really blame that principal too much. If I saw a guy like that hanging outside my school, I'd be concerned. But its damn embarrassing to be mistaken for a hobo abductor.
Additionally, I fell violently ill along with Misha. I couldn't eat for three days and all I did was expel from both ends of my body (TMI...sometimes at the same time). I vomited so violently, that my stomach muscles ached for days, it hurt to laugh and sneeze. Most awful first night of illness...the rest of the time, my head was swimming and I couldn't sit up without getting dizzy.

Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Conducting Gloves
I've figured some things out recently in my 3D animation class (such as picking up and attaching objects) and I was able to complete this animation within 6 hours today from scratch. From modeling the gloves through to animating them. I still have some work to do on them...the fingers are still a little stiff, imo. I'll have to fix that next week. Anyways...this is one of my favorite projects to date along with the swing and peg-leg walk from earlier posts. Enjoy!
Here's the same video but from the opposite camera angle.
Here's the same video but from the opposite camera angle.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Walk it off
Sorry...I got bogged down with work and baby stuff. I'll be even more busy in the next few months as I'm working on a bid for some freelance that will take me into September. Hopefully it won't interfere too much with the birth of my baby boy in August.
I was working on this inbetween deadlines, but haven't got too much done. Its meant to bolster my animation reel with some more walk cycles, but its not finished.
I was working on this inbetween deadlines, but haven't got too much done. Its meant to bolster my animation reel with some more walk cycles, but its not finished.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
In the Third Dimension
DERP! I got overloaded with work for the past few weeks. Misha and I took a trip to San Francisco earlier in the month, and to prepare for it, I had to finish a deadline 5 days before it was actually due, which is like a 1/4 of the work time I have for each quota. I was literally working all the way up to just a few hours before my brother Mark picked us up for the airport (thanks again, Mark!). Ever since, I've been having to scramble getting work finished, preparing our condo for sale and working on my 3D class finals, one of which got lost by me accidentally saving over it. So I had to recreate a whole new figure for my 3D modeling final last weekend on top of finishing a deadline for today. And that's my lame excuse for not posting anything for a while :D
So because I just finished my 3D animation final, I'll post one of those...
This is done using the Biped tool in 3DS Max...for those who don't know the program, basically the program itself creates a pre-made skeletal structure of a human so you can attach it to specific 3d models. I didn't have a 3d model to attach to, so I just animated the skeletons.
My final also included a walk cycle of my design...
I spent a long time trying to understand the intricate details of this program, and there are a lot of weird technical flaws and things that just don't naturally flow for a 2D animator. So I had a hard time picking it up. I've started to get the hang of actual movement of the biped, but I'm still working out the kinks of object interactions. This walkcycle doesn't necessarily interact with anything, but it was difficult to keep his feet from going through the ground.
"Swing" 3DS Max
"Pirate Walk" 3DS Max
So because I just finished my 3D animation final, I'll post one of those...
This is done using the Biped tool in 3DS Max...for those who don't know the program, basically the program itself creates a pre-made skeletal structure of a human so you can attach it to specific 3d models. I didn't have a 3d model to attach to, so I just animated the skeletons.
My final also included a walk cycle of my design...
I spent a long time trying to understand the intricate details of this program, and there are a lot of weird technical flaws and things that just don't naturally flow for a 2D animator. So I had a hard time picking it up. I've started to get the hang of actual movement of the biped, but I'm still working out the kinks of object interactions. This walkcycle doesn't necessarily interact with anything, but it was difficult to keep his feet from going through the ground.
"Swing" 3DS Max
"Pirate Walk" 3DS Max
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lazy cat days are almost over...

I can see Tuck is probably going to have issue with the newborn...poor guy. I feel bad for him. The middle sketch was the initial drawing of this batch. It was sort of a "Holy nuts! I'm a dad?" then I placed Tuck in it as an afterthought and it spawned these cliché baby/cat interactions.
Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Fishy McSketcherson

Anyways...this is one of the many results of me playing with Sketchbook Pro for the past 7 hours. Its certainly a lot of fun and easy to use. It all comes very natural, especially if you already have a Wacom tablet to work with. I did a family portrait of Misha, my unborn child and myself from it might be a little inaccurate. The baby is a little more developed in the drawing than the actual baby.
Expect more sketches to come! :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I'll throw stuff at you for $5!

A lot of people went to see James Cameron's "Avatar" apparently out-grossed the #1 grossing movie of all time, James Cameron's "Titanic". But that's like saying a $17 hooker is better than a $6 hooker because the $17 hooker made slightly more money and if you wear special glasses she's a tad more attractive...but the experience is about the same.
So based on pure dollar sales, Avatar is the top grossing movie of all time. but lets also fail to mention that with the gigantic costs of regular tickets these days compared to 1997, its almost doubled. Then add, that you don't get the same experience if you don't watch with these special glasses that make it 3-D (WHOOP-DEE-DOO!) and if you don't see it in IMax, well then you are just wasting your money! So after the jacked-up ticket prices, 3D glasses, and the IMax theater prices...About a 1/4 of the overall Titanic audience could see Avatar and it'll be the top grossing movie of all time.
The most infuriating thing is that when people talk about it...its all about the technology of the film and how wonderful it is. And when I ask about the plot and if its interesting...I get a bunch of mumbles. Someone actually said to me (which actually set this whole thing off for me), "If you aren't going to see it in IMax, then its not worth seeing." WHAT?! I heard similar verbiage with "Transformers 2" and we all know how that turned out. How does that make it a good movie?! I swear to God...if I dressed up a turd as a cheeseburger with lots of great hand-crafted french cheeses and crisp lettuce and freshly cut pickles and tomatoes from the garden of Zeus himself...these people would eat and say "I loved it! The cheese was great!" Just because someone put a pretty 3D filter on a movie and said it was the greatest invention to movies since colored film...doesn't make it great.
Let's peel back the layers...take away the unnecessary 3D (which is purely there to add dollars to the ticket price) and then put it on the small screen in your living room. So all it has to rely on is the storyline, acting, and general directing and pace of the movie (LIKE EVERY MOVIE ON THE PLANET!!!). I have faith in James Cameron to make a great movie...he did give us "Abyss" "Terminator 2" and "Aliens". So I have no doubt that he can direct. But judging from what I've learned via critics, from what I'm to believe from trailers, and general that this movie borrows heavily from "Dances With Wolves", "Fern Gully" and more recently a forgettable (3D) animated feature called "The Battle for Terra" which is actually more like Avatar than anything else since it features humans conquering a populated planet for its resources and one human must make a choice between his people or his new alien friends (OH! THE DILEMMA!). So originality isn't creeping into this as far as I can see. James even admittedly borrows from his own movie, "Aliens" with some of the designs like the drop ships and the battle mechs.
So if I am going to watch it, I'll rent the dvd. No one is going to make me watch a movie for $17 JUST BECAUSE its in 3D and on a bigger screen. So what...this 3D trend has infuriated me to no end. It doesn't do anything except make it kind of seem like things are flying at you. Really? You'll pay another $5 for crap to be thrown at you? I'll stand underneath the screen of "Avatar" with a cannon loaded up with the members of the Blue Man Group and shoot them into the audience...I'll BE RICH!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I made that!
Once again work and just general life has made it hard to post anything lately. But yesterday was a very exciting day that I had to put work on the back burner for a small time to make something special for this occasion.
Just yesterday, we went in to see the first ultrasound of our new baby...and he was a rascal. He was jumping around and I think at one point he was flashing us his lil' bum. (note: I want to say at this point that we don't know the sex of the baby, its just easier to say "he" instead of "he/she" and more respectful than "it")
About this animation...I've been working on this for a couple of weeks...I must be Nostradamus incarnate, because I had no idea how close to bouncy he actually was until yesterday. I realize its unfinished, and I doubt I'll color it in anymore than it is, but its there to really work on timing and some different cycles along with quick transitions from one pose to another.
Just yesterday, we went in to see the first ultrasound of our new baby...and he was a rascal. He was jumping around and I think at one point he was flashing us his lil' bum. (note: I want to say at this point that we don't know the sex of the baby, its just easier to say "he" instead of "he/she" and more respectful than "it")
About this animation...I've been working on this for a couple of weeks...I must be Nostradamus incarnate, because I had no idea how close to bouncy he actually was until yesterday. I realize its unfinished, and I doubt I'll color it in anymore than it is, but its there to really work on timing and some different cycles along with quick transitions from one pose to another.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Penguins are Jerks
I was working on this periodically for the past two months...a little here a little there. Just a test on timing and tweening. Personally, I like it. I might make into a series of animations if I find myself with the time. But I'm going to be participating more in animation contests for short animations. Hopefully that'll work out to my favor. I'll talk more about that when/if it happens. Right now its all about what work will allow.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Old Man Walkin'
I finally broke down and got After Effects CS4 (AECS4). I found a copy for a couple hundred dollars less on Still too expensive, but I should learn how to really utilize it since it is a good animation tool...its got some great animation enhancements including a 3D effect for 2D animation.
Anyways...I was just filling in some holes in my animation reel, one of which I am almost completely lacking is walk cycles. So I may do a few more after this one. But now that I can post these on my blog, I have a good reason to animate outside of work. This clip is a character I came up with real quick just to work on an interesting walk cycle. I originally animated his legs as a blur cycle...but thought the shuffle worked better. I'll try to come up with a couple more soon.
Sorry for taking so long to post anything interesting. Work, holidays and figuring out AECS4 has taken over my life. I'm still trying to figure out how to successfully import Flash .swf files with sound into the Wordgirl clips are still in the process of coming out to the blog.
On another note, the newest "Corporal Cup's Food Camp" short is up on the Lunch Lab website in the video check that out as well!
I'm working on another animated quickie involving two penguins. I'll post that when its done.
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