Friday, July 31, 2009
Something a little different. This is a set of scenes from the British show I worked on before Wordgirl, "Supernormal" which was about a boy with no superpowers going to a superhero high school. Think the plot to Disney's "Sky High" but made into a cartoon show. The show is set around 4 friends, Eric (the normal kid who wears his underwear on the outside of his pants), Changerella (A bubbly girl who could change into anything, from a rodent to a submarine), Brass-Butt (in this scene - he is the idiot of the group who has an impenetrable butt - probably best used for prison) and Buzzgirl ( a half girl, half bug...she has 4 arms and bug wings with a long tongue). The show was shown only in the UK and was animated by a company in Canada called "Fatkat Studios" of whom I worked for via Seattle, WA, USA.
In this scene...I have no idea what's going on. I never saw the full episode. In fact, I never saw a full episode of any of the shows. Only from what I worked on. What I can tell you is that the guy with the screaming British accent and the junky robot with the goldfish in the brain jar are the evil janitors of the school. The guy is supposedly an evil genius who poses as a janitor at the school and are constantly causing problems for the 4 kids. In this scene he flashes back to when the Mayor leaves and we see what the city is like without him.
The interesting thing about the way that this studio had me work, was that each scene was determined by most of the camera changes. There are more episodes I have kept, but only a few I could really show as a great piece of work. Timing issues and just the way I animated things with tweens made the scenes not up to my usual standards.
"Supernormal Ep. 151 scenes 17-26"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
World of Warcraft - Ulduar Strat Guide

But good news...I'm working on a side project for my other hobby (the only thing I do when I'm not animating or drawing on a regular basis). World of Warcraft. The guild I'm in are in the latest dungeon called "Ulduar". Within this dungeon are several boss encounters for 25 people at a time. We run this twice a week. I try to make time for it if work isn't pressing or a real life event isn't in the way.
So this is a concept illustration for the boss encounter "XT-002 Deconstructor". Its a work in progress, but that is my character "Blooregard" (level 80 Draenei Elemental Shaman). Technically I'd be putting nine more players in with me...but it was just to get the idea down. Ultimately, the full animation will be seperated into different sections to portray each boss encounter to help the raid better understand the fight...what to watch out for and how to avoid damage.
Ironically, I may not be able to raid in Ulduar due to working on this...hehe.
"Ulduar Strat Guide - Concept Art" Flash CS4 7/28/09
Friday, July 17, 2009
Who ya gonna call?

Some kids love Superman or Spider-man. Some kids want to be a firefighter or an astronaut. I loved and wanted to be a Ghostbuster. The Ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies since I was a little kid (like most children of the 80's) and The Real Ghostbusters was my all-time favorite cartoon growing up. Just recently, with the release of the entire cartoon series on dvd and the new video game, The Ghostbusters have rekindled my Ghostbustin' blood and is reheating my creamy geek center.
To give you a better understanding of my immersion into Ghostbusters (my Mom can confirm all of this). I watched the cartoon religiously, I watched the movie several times (even the not as good "Ghostbusters II"), I owned A LOT of the toys including the Firehouse playset, I collected the comic books, sticker books, my grandfather even made a Proton pack out of cardboard for halloween (the trap was made from a shoebox), I understood, even at a young age, the Ghostbuster lingo such as "a Class 5 full-torso Vapor", I tried to get my hair cut like Peter Venkmen in the cartoon but was told that hair just doesn't do that (it was a sad day for my and most recently, I was researching to become an amateur Ghost Hunter here in Washington State. Unfortunately, that dream died rather quickly because my work schedule is just too busy to be out in some 'haunted' location till 4am.
So here are some sketches that I threw together today after watching the first disc of The Real Ghostbusters. The first is just a BW drawing of the 5 main characters, Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Peter Venkmen, Winston Zeddemore, and Slimer. (Winston was voiced by Arsenio Hall in the cartoon...interesting fact.) and the second sketch is just a quick drawing I threw together from a still of Harold Ramis playing Egon Spengler in the live action blockbuster comedy, "The Ghostbusters". Usually, when you remember stuff from your childhood, the memory is better than it actual is...but after re-watching a few episodes of the cartoon, it still looks great.
"The Real Ghostbusters - sketch" Flash CS4 7/17/09
"Egon Spengler/Harold Ramis - sketch" Flash CS4 7/17/09
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My studio upgraded to Flash CS4...which means I had to as well. The new program is radically different in layout and design. Plus its added a new type of tween.
This is me just fooling around with the new program to get use to it. I just finished a deadline, so I'm in a sort of limbo between quotas. Its a quick animation...took about an hour or so.
This is me just fooling around with the new program to get use to it. I just finished a deadline, so I'm in a sort of limbo between quotas. Its a quick animation...took about an hour or so.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Random street person!

But I haven't drawn anything but Wordgirl related stuff in a while, so here is some sketching I did based on a girl waiting at a bus stop I passed. It was the mohawk that caught my eye. And her basic demeanor (her actual pose is the full sitting sketch) was what spurred these other drawings of her just being a badass. The far right head shot is just a basic cartoon version of her.
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