I have mixed feelings about this piece. This was actually part of a VERY large assignment I was given at an old job of mine in Downtown Seattle. The job was to create an online game for the Hasbro line of Transformer toys for the first Transformers live action movie. The idea of the game was that the user could take pre-made animated clips and edit them together with sound and music, creating their own little film. My job was to create the animations...100+ 1-2 seconds long animations of STOP-MOTION using the actual toys themselves in different and fun ways. Transforming and doing all sorts of things. That actually ended up being fun, but I was under a lot of time constraints since I was the only one working on them, even after requesting help many many times. The Title card, here, was something I put together for the project but was rejected rather quickly for something else done by the art director, I think. I left the company after 1 year of starting due to communication problems between the Art Director and the Producer which caused my work to suffer. I like it because of the kinetic imagery, the use of the props, and the title typeface I created. But it carries a stigma with it since it is attached to one of the most frustrating jobs of my career.
"Transformers Video Mash-Up title card" Multi-media, Photoshop, Flash 2007
Amazingly, the game is still active. So
check it out if you want to see the many little animations I put so much effort into.